Hollow Knight (할로우 나이트) [트레이너]

옵션 11개 · 게임 버전: v1.4.3.2-v1.5.68+ · Last Updated: 2021.06.13



Num 1 – Invincible

Num 2 – Infinite Soul

Num 3 – Fast Attack Speed

Num 4 – Infinite Double Jumps

Num 5 – Infinite Dashes

Num 6 – Infinite Geo

Num 7 – Geo Multiplier

Num 8 – Set Player Speed

Num 9 – Set Game Speed

Num 0 – One Hit Kill


Ctrl+Num 1 – Edit Charm Slots


참고 사항

  1. “Infinite Soul”: Takes effect when you gain soul.
  2. “Infinite Geo”: Takes effect when you gain geo.
  3. “Edit Charm Slots”: Note the game only shows maximum of 12 slots, but you can set more than 12 slots.
  4. Starting from v1.5.68, the game has been updated to 64 bit version, trainer also updated for 64 bit game versions, it will no longer support older game versions, if you need 32 bit version trainer, download the old version trainer.






파일 이름 파일 크기
📂Hollow.Knight.v1.5.68.Plus.11.Trainer-FLiNG.zip 942 KB


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