Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition (에이지 오브 엠파이어 2: 디피니티브 에디션) [트레이너]
- 트레이너
- 2021. 5. 13. 11:55
옵션 13개 · 게임 버전: v1.0-Build.47820+ · 최근 업데이트: 2021.05.09
Num 1 – Edit Wood
Num 2 – Edit Food
Num 3 – Edit Gold
Num 4 – Edit Stone
Num 5 – Resource Multiplier
Num 6 – Units/Buildings Infinite Health
Num 7 – Instant Research
Num 8 – Instant Buildings
Num 9 – Instant Recruit Units
Num 0 – Empty AI Units/Buildings Health
Num . – Set Game Speed
Num + – Max Population Cap
Num – – Set Population To 0 (Infinite Population)
참고 사항
- “Units/Buildings Infinite Health” also works for the player’s animals, when using this option, you won’t be able to harvest food from your animals.
- This trainer is based on Steam version, it can also target Windows Store version, but it wasn’t tested on that version, so it may or may not be 100% compatible.
- “Set Population To 0 (Infinite Population)” should be used together with “Max Population Cap” otherwise you’ll still be limited by the population cap.
- Wait for the game fully loaded before activating any options.
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파일 크기 |
📂 |
774 KB |