Zombie Army 4: Dead War (좀비 아미 4: 데드 워) [트레이너]

옵션 14개 · 게임 버전: DX12/Vulkan v1.0-v2.52+ · 최근 업데이트: 2021.04.20



Num 1 – Infinite Health

Num 2 – Infinite Stamina

Num 3 – Infinite Ammo

Num + – Infinite Grenades/Mines

Num 4 – No Reload

Num 5 – Skills No Cooldown

Num 6 – Super Accuracy

Num 7 – No Recoil

Num 8 – Increase Fire Rate

Num 9 – Edit Upgrade Kits

Num 0 – One Hit Kill


Ctrl+Num 1 – Max Score

Ctrl+Num 2 – Score Multiplier

Ctrl+Num 3 – Set Game Speed


참고 사항

  1. “Max Score” takes effect when you gain score.
  2. “Increase Fire Rate”: the effect may not be obvious for some weapons if they have reload animation every time they fire.
  3. “Infinite Ammo” will make grenade and mine amount display as 999, but it doesn’t actually affect grenade and mine quantity. If you need infinite grenades and mines, you’ll need to use “Infinite Grenades/Mines” option.






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