DIRT 5 (더트 5) [트레이너]

옵션 9개 · 게임 버전: v1.0-v20210406+ · 최근 업데이트: 2021.04.07



Num 1 – Freeze AI Vehicles

Num 2 – Reset Timer

Num 3 – Max Score

Num 4 – Edit Money

Num 5 – Money Multiplier

Num 6 – Infinite XP

Num 7 – XP Multiplier

Num 8 – Unlock All Vehicles & Items

Num 9 – Set Game Speed


참고 사항

  1. “Infinite XP” takes effect when you gain XP.
  2. “Max Score” takes effect when you gain score.
  3. “Unlock All Vehicles & Items”: Temporary unlocks everything in the game. For purchasable items, this option unlocks the purchase requirement, you still need to purchase the item in order to use it.






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843 KB


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