Resident Evil 3 (바이오하자드 3) [트레이너]

옵션 20개 · 게임 버전: v1.0-v20200930+ · 최근 업데이트: 2020.10.01



Num 1 Infinite Health

Num – – Invulnerable

Num 2 Infinite Ammo/Grenades

Num 3 No Reload

Num 4 Max Backpack Size

Num 5 Reset Game Time

Alt+Num 5 Reset Total Game Time

Num 6 Super Accuracy

Num 7 No Recoil

Num 8 Super Speed

Num 9 Slow Motion

Num 0 One Hit Kill

Num . Tyrant Can’t Get Up

Num + Highlight Items & Interactables


Ctrl+Num 1 Reset Save Count

Ctrl+Num 2 Reset Open Item Box Count

Ctrl+Num 3 Reset Recovery Item Used Count

Ctrl+Num 4 Complete All Records

Ctrl+Num 5 Edit Shop Points

Ctrl+Num 6 Reset Death Count


참고 사항

  1. “Infinite Ammo/Grenades” requires at lease one spare ammo/grenade for it to work.
  2. “Reset Save Count” takes effect after saving.
  3. “Infinite Health” and “Invulnerable”: Note these two options can’t prevent scripted death (for example: QTE failure, trap, standing on fire for too long, etc).
  4. “Complete All Records” takes effect when opening records menu.



2020.10.01: Update for v20200930 game version.

2020.08.07: Update for v20200806 game version.

2020.06.07: Update for v20200603 game version.

2020.04.07: Added “Reset Death Count” and “Reset Total Game Time” options.

2020.04.04: Added “Edit Shop Points” and “Complete All Records” options.

2020.04.03 (2): Added “Invulnerable” option.

2020.04.03 (1): Update for v1.0 game version; Added a few more options.


바이러스토탈 검사 결과



File Name

File Size


774 KB


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