Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris (소드 아트 온라인: 앨리시제이션 리코리스) [트레이너]

옵션 22개 · 게임 버전: v1.0-v1.09+ · 최근 업데이트: 2020.09.21



Num 1 Infinite HP

Num 2 Invulnerable/Ignore Hits

Num 3 Infinite SP

Num 4 Max Arts Gauge

Num 5 Infinite Stamina

Num 6 High Critical Rate

Num 7 Companions Infinite HP

Num 8 Companions Infinite SP

Num 9 Infinite Items

Num 0 Super Damage/One Hit Kill


Ctrl+Num 1 Edit Money

Ctrl+Num 2 Infinite Exp

Ctrl+Num 3 Infinite Sacred Art Exp

Ctrl+Num 4 Max Weapon Mastery

Ctrl+Num 5 Edit Skill Points

Ctrl+Num 6 Max Fishing Level

Ctrl+Num 7 Infinite Jumps


Alt+Num 1 Exp Multiplier

Alt+Num 2 Sacred Art Exp Multiplier

Alt+Num 3 Damage Multiplier

Alt+Num 4 Set Game Speed

Alt+Num 5 Weapon Mastery Multiplier


참고 사항

  1. “Infinite Items” takes effect when you select or spend an item.
  2. “Infinite Exp” and “Infinite Sacred Art Exp” take effects when you gain exp. Note when you kill low level monsters you may not gain any exp, thus these options will not work.
  3. “Max Weapon Mastery” takes effect when opening the weapon mastery menu or when you gain weapon mastery.



2020.07.22: Update for v1.09 game version.

2020.07.22: Added “Infinite Jumps” and “Weapon Mastery Multiplier” options; Lowered the value of “Infinite Items” so you can pick up items; Update for v1.0.3 game version.


특별 사항

본 게임은 EasyAntiCheat 보호 기능을 사용하고 있으며, EAC 없이 게임을 시작하려면 다음 지침을 따르십시오.


1. 오프라인 모드로 스팀을 시작하세요.

2. “Launch_Game.exe” 파일을 게임 폴더 내에 붙여넣으세요

3. 게임을 실행하세요.


바이러스토탈 결과




File Name

File Size


738 KB


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