Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition (에이지 오브 엠파이어 2: 디피니티브 에디션) [트레이너]
- 트레이너
- 2020. 8. 3. 12:10
옵션 13개 · 게임 버전: v1.0-Build.39515+ · 최근 업데이트: 2020.07.28
Num 1 – Edit Wood
Num 2 – Edit Food
Num 3 – Edit Gold
Num 4 – Edit Stone
Num 5 – Resource Multiplier
Num 6 – Units/Buildings Infinite Health
Num 7 – Instant Research
Num 8 – Instant Buildings
Num 9 – Instant Recruit Units
Num 0 – Empty AI Units/Buildings Health
Num . – Set Game Speed
Num + – Max Population Cap
Num – – Set Population To 0 (Infinite Population)
참고 사항
“Units/Buildings Infinite Health” also works on player’s animals, after using this option, you won’t be able to harvest food from your animals.
This trainer is based on Steam version, it can also target Windows Store version, but it wasn’t tested on that version, so it may or may not be 100% compatible.
“Set Population To 0 (Infinite Population)” should be used together with “Max Population Cap” otherwise you’ll still be limited by the population cap.
Wait for the game fully loaded before activating any options.
2020.07.28: Update for Build.39515 game version.
2020.05.30: Update for Build.37650 game version.
2020.05.02: Update for Build.36906 game version.
2020.03.31: Update for Build.36202 game version.
2020.02.28: Update for Build.35584 game version.
2020.01.21: Update for Build.34699 game version.
2019.12.22: Update for Build.34223 game version.
2019.12.17: Update for Build.34055 game version.
1. Support for Build.33059 game version.
2. Added “Set Population To 0 (Infinite Population)” option.
3. Updated “Units/Buildings Infinite Health” option to set a lower health value in case your units get converted by enemy monks and you’ll be able to kill them.
1. Added “Max Population Cap” option.
2. Trainer now can also detect Windows Store game version, but it’s not tested on that version, so it may or may not be 100% compatible.
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767 KB |