Watch Dogs: Legion (와치독: 리전) [트레이너]

옵션 12개 · 게임 버전: v1.0-v1.4.0+ · 최근 업데이트: 2021.05.06



Num 1 – Infinite Health

Num 2 – Infinite Ammo

Num 3 – No Reload

Num 4 – No Recoil

Num 5 – Quick Hack Actions Instant Cooldown

Num 6 – Electro-Shock Trap Instant Cooldown

Num 7 – Super Speed

Num 8 – Slow Motion

Num 9 – Stealth Mode

Num 0 – One Hit Kill


Ctrl+Num 1 – Infinite Money

Ctrl+Num 2 – Infinite Tech Points


참고 사항

  1. “Infinite Ammo” takes effect when you reload ammo.
  2. “Infinite Money” takes effect when you spend money.
  3. “Infinite Tech Points” takes effect when you spend tech points.
  4. “One Hit Kill”: Note in some tutorials you’ll need to hit the enemy multiple times, when using this option you’ll not be able to get pass the tutorial. You’ll need to disable this option and reload the last checkpoint.





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